Friday, June 21, 2013


The Musings of a Mama Bird

The definition of "musings" is:  thoughts or meditations.  This blog will chronicle the many random "musings" of me - AKA - Mama Bird.  Being a Mama Bird is joyful, magnificent, chaotic, exhausting, emotional, and...above all...rewarding!  This Mama Bird's nest has many different Baby Birds. 

I am the lucky mama of 2 beautiful girls.  My poised and preppy Katelyn will be a college freshman in the fall.  My silly and sassy Halli will be in 8th grade next school year.  Hence, the name of my blog..."a half empty nest"!

I also share my nest with quite a few "4-legged" birdies.  If I told you how might think I am a CUCKOO bird so I will introduce them slowly - one at a time!

And finally...I am a teacher who is privileged to welcome a new flock of Baby Birds each August.  I absolutely love watching them thrive and find their wings!

I have always encouraged my daughters to talk about everything on their minds - no matter how big or small.  I teach my students to write as much as they can; as fast as they can about everything that pops into their head. 

I decided to follow my own advice!  This blog is just that...every random thing that pops into my head - no matter how big or small.  Enjoy!